Thought of the Day

“ Politeness is the result of good sense and good nature. ”— Oliver Goldsmith

Networking across all borders!

Social Good Summit was one of its kind events. It brought together the minds from around the world to focus on single subject matter. It has played a crucial role in creating awareness towards major problems that we are or will be facing and also inspires us to find a solution for them. It forces us to take actions today for impending troubles of tomorrow.

Networking across all borders!

In our daily lives we have a lot of networks. Networks are not really new. I mean thinking about the railway system, the telephone net, the network structures in many industries it is nothing that has been invented just in the last years or has raised just due to the huge digital wave we have experienced in the last decade. The same applies to cooperations. Also in the seventies, eighties, nineties we had cooperations: The franchise system, huge chains of company entities all over the world such as the hundreds of Mc Donald's, Walmarts and global players local units in the industries. But why networking seems to become the focus topic everywhere - in our curriculum, in our companies and departments, in discussions? Probably...Read More

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