The Social Good Summit 2030 NOW has shown the ways How Technology can we use for furthering human causes Globally. It has opened up new era of Global involvement in solving the Global issues facing humanity. A new era has begun, Congratulation to the Organizers and Congratulation to the event managers and participants throughout the Globe in more than 120 countries discussing on the same topic. A big Begening...

Written by Daniel G. Bausch, MD, MPH&TM, ASTMH Councilor, Tulane University Medical Center, New Orleans/NAMRU-6, Lima, Peru. Another ASTMH Annual Meeting down, by rough count my 19th. Cutting through the fatigue of 5-days of non-stop juggling of symposium attendance, satellite conferences, and impromptu meetings with collaborators and friends, I identify what have come to be the usual mix of thoughts and emotions, which keep me coming back year after year: Inspiration! Everywhere you turn amazingly smart and productive people are doing great science and public health work! How can I take what I learned from listening to researchers talking about their one-health projects in Kenya or studies in urban slums in Brazil to...
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