Thought of the Day

“ Politeness is the result of good sense and good nature. ”— Oliver Goldsmith

Do Global Summits Help to Tackle Poverty? Not...

Social Good Summit was one of its kind events. It brought together the minds from around the world to focus on single subject matter. It has played a crucial role in creating awareness towards major problems that we are or will be facing and also inspires us to find a solution for them. It forces us to take actions today for impending troubles of tomorrow.

Do Global Summits Help to Tackle Poverty? Not...

COP18, Rio+20, the G20: These and other big global summits have come under increasing scrutiny from the media. Do they actually do any good? In his recent post for The Guardian’s  Poverty Matters blog , Oxfam’s Stephen Hale ( @SHaleGeneva ) says they can—but only when the global community takes their seat at the table: The voice of civil society is vital at global events because it enables us to confront the stories our leaders want to tell their public, and to tell home truths about the progress made and the action needed. Civil society mobilisation and media work can do much to shift the terms of debates on, for example, the true causes of global hunger and the inadequacy of debt relief. Should we invest...Read More

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