Thought of the Day

“ Politeness is the result of good sense and good nature. ”— Oliver Goldsmith

Social Good Summit 2013 - Mr. Gyanendra Purohit

3 Great Tips on How Youth Can Use Digital...

3 Great Tips on How Youth Can Use Digital...

It was the event that happened on that cold December night in Delhi last year that changed the way I looked at India. Until the day I walked in to work and read the news about a young girl being raped and thrown out of a private bus in the capital, I had always felt that politics and social issues in the country were beyond my control. I live in Bangalore and like the thousands of urban middle-class Indians who migrate here every year, I have never truly felt the need to understand the complexity of the Indian political system or for that matter, to identify my role in it. I felt that nothing I did could change things. But I soon learned I was wrong - there are so many opportunities often staring people in the face that they simply...Read More
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To All Attending the Social Good Summit

To All Attending the Social Good Summit

Movers, shakers and world-changers, In a few days, we will be together. We will sit in awe of speakers and ideas, share laughs and philosophies over coffee, and focus on the best ways we can make the world better. Stand4 is young – only about a month old. So what business do we have sitting amongst the greatest minds in good? These are people who have changed industries, influenced policies, saved lives and created movements. And we’re only a month old. We haven’t done any of those things. Then we thought a little more – about the impact they’ve created, and where it came from. We’ve followed some of their stories from near inception. Cheered them on, supported their work, spread their message. And we realized – they...Read More
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Takeaways/à saisir de Social Good Master Class

Takeaways/à saisir de Social Good Master Class

Il est de trois heures dans le Social Good Summit 2013. Un quiet allusion immerge: Je suis absolument fascinée par les duals idées d'echec et de "top-down" vs. "bottom-up". En premier cas: la tension entre les motivations des gens et la direction des plus grands "changemakers" qui dirige la conversation sur la development durable. Les premiers orateurs invités avaient elicité la question: "avec qui devrons-nous collaborer afin d'éviter avoir seulement un processus bottom-up”. Il est monumentalement important de ne pas réinventer la roule. Nous ne sommes pas confortables avec nos propres echecs . Pourquoi? L’essence de l’humanité est l’imperfection. Si nous pouvons posseder nos...Read More
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Advice From Great Minds At The +Social Good...

Advice From Great Minds At The +Social Good...

On Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m I made my way to The Hotel Wales in the Upper East Side for an intimate gathering with some of the speakers presenting at the 2013 Social Good Summit. Great minds had entered the room, journalist, bloggers, corporate, government and non for profit professionals questioned and exchanged ideas with world leaders such as the HRH Crown Princess of Norway, Peter Sims, Alvin Rohrs, Daniel Foster, Mary Anne, Beverly Schwartz, Susan McPherson and Aaron Sherinian to name a few. As with any conference there were some main big ideas and concepts that were discussed and repeated in our conversations. However, one that was at the forefront of our discussions was the idea of how we can create “social...Read More
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Глобальное добро: Social Good Summit стартовал...

Глобальное добро: Social Good Summit стартовал...

Что такое социальное предпринимательство? Как можно изменить мир к лучшему с помощью технологий? С чего начать? Четвертый ежегодный Саммит Социального Добра (Social Good Summit) обещает все объяснить и показать. Саммит, организованный технологическим новостным порталом Mashable , фондом ООН , Программой Развития ООН (UNDP) , фондом Билла и Мелинды Гейтс и культурным центром 92Y , проходит в Нью-Йорке с 22 по 24 сентября и собирает лидеров социального предпринимательства и активизма, инноваторов, артистов и тех, кто хочет изменить мир к лучшему и, заодно, сфотографировать артистов. Первый день начался с 4-ч часовой ознакомительной программы для блоггеров и активистов, участников мероприятия. Нас накормили, напоили и...Read More
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Giving #2030Now: every contribution counts

Giving isn't only about wealth, it's also about ideas and energy to create change

Giving #2030Now: every contribution counts

Today an incredible array of speakers presented their #2030Now words and vision and encouraged audience members from not only New York but from all over the world to recognize their role in the changing face of philanthropy. That it isn't just wealth that can be distributed to create sustainable change, but innovative ideas and the willingness to create moments where breakthrough's occur. For example, today #2030Now keynote listener Judith Rodin , the President of the Rockefeller Foundation, wondered how we take 20th century problems to find 21st century solutions and hoped that we find new kinds of frameworks to navigate the question. Helen Clark, of the United Nations Development Programme, as part of a panel The Next 15...Read More
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Fighting One of the Leading Causes of Newborn...

Fighting One of the Leading Causes of Newborn...

The results of this study could be ground breaking, empowering parents with the opportunity to choose treatment approaches that are provided closer to home while breaking down many of the cultural, social and economic barriers they face, and giving newborns throughout low and middle income countries the chance they need to survive the newborn period.
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Feeling Humbled and Inspired

Feeling Humbled and Inspired

At approximately 11:50 AM I walked into the 92 nd Street Y , located in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Headed in with a team of 15 Foreign Language Fellows representing the Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, I was excited to experience day one of the Social Good Summit .  There were four different areas to check-in. All with lines that could be better described as massive human herds hurrying to get in. One line was for general registration, another for speakers, a third for VIP, and a final one for digital media. Once checked-in there were several spaces that people spent the day. There was the main auditorium, the Digital Media Lounge, a general media room of sorts, and all of the hallways. People were...Read More
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Trois actions qui viennent du premier jour du...

Trois actions qui viennent du premier jour du...

Trois actions qui viennent du premier jour du Sommet du Bénéfices Sociaux 1) Suivez un cours! Le president de @wesleyan_u Michael Roth ensegne un MOOC, Comment Changer le Monde? qui commence en janvier 2014 2) Prenez action ! A , vous trouverez des nouvelles et des actions suivant qui peuvent améliorer les pires circonstances du monde. Vous pouvez gagner $200.000 si vous vous reliez à côté de leur défi: . 3) Evitez la pauvreté ! Dr Kim @WorldBank a dit: Si nous travaillons ensembles nous pouvons éviter la pauvreté par 2030. La banque mondiale a créé une demande! Trouvez-la à ...Read More
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Share out: Empowering a Billion Women by 2020

Share out: Empowering a Billion Women by 2020

L'économie mondiale repose sur les femmes, et une nouvelle paire des yeux. Ingrid Vanderverdt ( @ontheroadwithiv ) s'emploie à fournir des outils, la technologie et les ressources pour les femmes de se considérer comme des leaders et entrepreneurs qui réussissent. 1 - Business: L'objectif est de créer un levier global. Ingrid est en partenariat avec Dell: le numéro un mondial dans leur engagement pour les femmes entrepreneurs. 2 - Politique: L'objectif est de travailler sur les questions politiques mondiales. Ici, Ingrid fait partie du Conseil des Entrepreneurs mondial. ...Read More
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#2030NOW Global Roundup: What We Heard Around...

#2030NOW Global Roundup: What We Heard Around...

Afghanistan Listening, and Being Heard: A key theme across several conversations today, we saw that Paiwand, the Social Good Summit in Kabul , paid particular attention to the power of a social voice. Whether holding each other and our lawmakers accountable to us, or making sure no voice can be ignored, social media has transformed the dynamic of conversation. Kazakhstan On the Edge: From enterprise to environment, creating change sometimes requires us to be on the outside agitating the insiders. Key themes from today’s conversation in Kazakhstan included start-ups to disrupt and make our communities think differently, and tree “freaks” starting an outside-in movement to greenify for a healthier world. ...Read More
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Social Good Summit: Connecting for Change

Social Good Summit: Connecting for Change

When the whole world joins in conversation, we have the potential to create real change and good that lasts far longer than any of our tweets! Check out the image below for highlights from the #2030NOW conversation so far.
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Blog #2 from Day 1: Why was the Israeli Within...

Blog #2 from Day 1: Why was the Israeli Within...

מדוע הישראליות שבי זעקה בשניים מהפאנלים בוועידה אתמול? בעת ההרצאה אודות רצח העם המתרחש בקונגו (5.5 מיליון הרוגים?! בלתי נתפס!) ניקרה בי מחשבה על תשומת הלב העולמית, ובייחוד זאת של האו"ם, המוקדשת לזוועות שם. ניקר בי כעס ותסכול רב סביב חוסר הפרופורציה של העיסוק המועט ביבשת אפריקה הגדולה לעומת העיסוק האובססיבי בישראל הקטנה. אני לא מבקשת או מצפה שישראל תקבל צ'ק פתוח, ו/או פטור מהתנהלות מוסרית (אליה היא שואפת ללא כל קשר לעולם החיצון). אך כן הייתי רוצה ומצפה שישראל תזכה ליחס שווה ליתר מדינות העולם, או לכל הפחות, לא תופלה לרעה באופן כה לא מידתי. לא יתכן ששני שליש מכלל החלטות האו"ם הינן נגד מדינת ישראל. שכן, אם הגנה על זכויות אדם הן הקו המנחה של האו"ם, מדוע אינו מעניק תשומת לב שווה, שלא לומר גדולה יותר, למקומות בעולם המפרים זכויות אלה...Read More
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SGS #2030NOW Blog Post Day 2: Leading Girls –...

SGS #2030NOW Blog Post Day 2: Leading Girls –...

הובלת בנות - סיפורה המרגש ומעורר ההשארה של מאלאלה הדוברת שהותירה עליי את הרושם העז ביותר היום הינה נערה בת 15. מאלאלה יוסאפזאי , פקיסטנית, נורתה בראשה ע"י הטאליבן לפני כשנה, באוקטובר 2012. טרם הירי הייתה מאלאלה בעיצומה של הקמת ארגון עם חברותיה לעידוד הליכתן של בנות לבית הספר והוצאתן משוק העבודה. הירי היה ניסיון כושל להשתיק את מאלאלה ואת קריאתה המפורשת לחינוכן הפורמלי של בנות, ולזכותם של ילדים בכלל ללכת לבית ספר. קרן מאלאלה הוקמה ע"י מאלאלה ובני משפחתה לקידום מטרה זאת. ע"מ להגשים את חזונה של מאלאלה – חינוך והעצמת בנות בפקיסטן ובכל העולם - עובדת הקרן בשיתוף פעולה עם האו"ם, אירגון "גירל אפ" ובקרב קהילה תומכת. לא מכבר, ביום הולדתה ה-16 של מאלאלה, הפכה הקרן לארגון לא-ממשלתי עצמאי. קרן מאלאלה מממנת בפקיסטן תכנית...Read More
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When RED meets RED - How Coca-Cola and the...

When RED meets RED - How Coca-Cola and the...

I recently completed a four day visit to the bustling and busy city of Accra in the company of the Accenture Development Partners (ADP) team implementing the Last Mile Project with Coca Cola, and Ghana Health Services (GHS). I participated in a workshop and series of meetings at GHS and Coca-Cola and I was particularly impressed by Livingston, a biomedical engineer from the Volta Region GHS engineering team who told me about the lessons he had learned from the pilot project he had just...Read More
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What’s the Word out of Social Good Summit Day 2?

What’s the Word out of Social Good Summit Day 2?

No description available
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记得从小至大的教育理念就是,“游戏误人误事”、“游戏毁一生”……家长、老师们总是举各种极端例子让我们远离游戏。但不知中国的妈妈们如果听到今天林肯公园的讲话,会作何想法呢? 林肯公园的鼓手和贝斯手带着他们的Recharge游戏来到Social Good Summit现场,Phoenix更是表示,“还有什么比游戏更能吸引年轻人参与到其中的呢?” LP Recharge希望通过社交网络游戏,让越来越多的年轻人了解慈善公益,并为其贡献自己的一份力量。其实这个理念很值得称道,就像年轻人都愿意成为游戏里的英雄人物,那为何不能让游戏与公益领域跨界,真正让游戏拯救世界?
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The Social Good Summit and the Importance of...

The Social Good Summit and the Importance of...

I have been fortunate enough to attend the  Social Good Summit  these past few days, a conference about social good that runs in parallel with UN week in the States. The conference provides an open platform for diplomats, entrepreneurs, business and civil society leaders to share their thoughts on the opportunities for social change. One of the recurrent themes was the importance of feeling a personal and emotional connection to an issue- in short, caring. During a pre-Summit breakfast, a discussion on HIV centred around the importance of putting AIDS back on the map as a global issue. The sense of urgency that once surrounded the issue is no longer there. As the disease has been "contained" to marginalised communities...Read More
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Reverse Innovation in Health

Reverse Innovation in Health

During the Social Good Summit, I had the privilege to interview Patty Mechael, Director of the mHealth Alliance, a public-private partnership to provide valuable health information through mobile phones. Mechael was an early proponent of mobile health (mHealth), writing her PhD on mHealth in Egypt, a country that only had 3% mobile penetration at the time.  "Mobile health in general is a reverse innovation," says Mechael. The developed world was slow to adopt healthcare delivery through mobile because of prior investments in computers and electronic records. Developing countries had limited infrastructure in place and these lower barriers to entry helped mHealth take off. Mobile health has been used to provide...Read More
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Knowledge-sharing in mHealth is critical to...

Knowledge-sharing in mHealth is critical to...

- Kirsten Gagnaire, Global Director of the Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) Every minute at least one woman dies from complications related to pregnancy or childbirth and every year 8.8 million children die before the age of five. We know what interventions make a difference on maternal and infant mortality. We now know that one billion women in low to middle-income countries own a mobile phone – a tool that can be used to engage, educate, and empower mothers. In order for mobile to be scaled to address health issues, global communities must come together to openly share lessons learned, failures, best practices and introduce new solutions to help underserved populations – women in developing countries. Mobile...Read More
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#2030NOW Global Roundup: What We Heard Around...

#2030NOW Global Roundup: What We Heard Around...

Afghanistan Listening, and Being Heard: A key theme across several conversations today, we saw that Paiwand, the Social Good Summit in Kabul , paid particular attention to the power of a social voice. Whether holding each other and our lawmakers accountable to us, or making sure no voice can be ignored, social media has transformed the dynamic of conversation. Kazakhstan On the Edge: From enterprise to environment, creating change sometimes requires us to be on the outside agitating the insiders. Key themes from today’s conversation in Kazakhstan included start-ups to disrupt and make our communities think differently, and tree “freaks” starting an outside-in movement to greenify for a healthier world. ...Read More
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一道柏林墙划开了东西两德,亲人分隔、经济阻断、社会制度对立;而一道互联网的“防火墙”,却让中国公众与外界的信息社会失联,推特、脸书、外媒网站,都是可望而不可即的存在。 巴基斯坦的女权斗士Malala,经历了塔利班枪击案,年仅十六就在不断挑战权威与性别的不平等,努力打破让年轻女性都能受到教育的那道“墙”。她的事迹通过youtube传遍各国,有了国际社会与组织的支持,她和父亲建立的Malala基金也在帮助推动女权和教育的路上越走越远。 但反观中国,如陈光诚、艾未未等活跃的民权运动者,却屡遭监禁、压迫,中国也是如今四个仍用不了脸书的四个国家之一。柏林墙用了28年才被推倒,中国网络的这道墙又需要多久才能真正被推倒呢?
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The Social Good Summit and the Importance of...

The Social Good Summit and the Importance of...

I have been fortunate enough to attend the  Social Good Summit  these past few days, a conference about social good that runs in parallel with UN week in the States. The conference provides an open platform for diplomats, entrepreneurs, business and civil society leaders to share their thoughts on the opportunities for social change. One of the recurrent themes was the importance of feeling a personal and emotional connection to an issue- in short, caring. During a pre-Summit breakfast, a discussion on HIV centred around the importance of putting AIDS back on the map as a global issue. The sense of urgency that once surrounded the issue is no longer there. As the disease has been "contained" to marginalised communities...Read More
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To All Attending the Social Good Summit

To All Attending the Social Good Summit

Movers, shakers and world-changers, In a few days, we will be together. We will sit in awe of speakers and ideas, share laughs and philosophies over coffee, and focus on the best ways we can make the world better. Stand4 is young – only about a month old. So what business do we have sitting amongst the greatest minds in good? These are people who have changed industries, influenced policies, saved lives and created movements. And we’re only a month old. We haven’t done any of those things. Then we thought a little more – about the impact they’ve created, and where it came from. We’ve followed some of their stories from near inception. Cheered them on, supported their work, spread their message. And we realized – they...Read More
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How Civil Society Is Overcoming the Global...

How Civil Society Is Overcoming the Global...

U.S. permanent representative to the United Nations Samantha Power remembers being very moved while watching footage from the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests when she was in college. "That really got into my head," Power said on stage on Sunday at the Social Good Summit in conversation with Mashable CEO Pete Cashmore. "I thought, 'Wow, look at those citizens, what they're doing for their families and their futures." See also: How to Follow Social Good Summit Online ...
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Trois actions qui viennent du premier jour du...

Trois actions qui viennent du premier jour du...

Trois actions qui viennent du premier jour du Sommet du Bénéfices Sociaux 1) Suivez un cours! Le president de @wesleyan_u Michael Roth ensegne un MOOC, Comment Changer le Monde? qui commence en janvier 2014 2) Prenez action ! A , vous trouverez des nouvelles et des actions suivant qui peuvent améliorer les pires circonstances du monde. Vous pouvez gagner $200.000 si vous vous reliez à côté de leur défi: . 3) Evitez la pauvreté ! Dr Kim @WorldBank a dit: Si nous travaillons ensembles nous pouvons éviter la pauvreté par 2030. La banque mondiale a créé une demande! Trouvez-la à ...Read More
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Tell Us What You Think: #2030Now

Tell Us What You Think: #2030Now

  Throughout the Social Good Summit, we'll be asking you for your opinion on some key questions. Take our survey now, and we'll report back on what we hear.
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+ Social Good Kazakhstan: Morning Session

+ Social Good Kazakhstan: Morning Session

W atch the Social Good Kazakhstan live stream on September 23rd from 9AM to 11AM EDT-3: , and tell us what you think!
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Глобальное добро: Social Good Summit стартовал...

Глобальное добро: Social Good Summit стартовал...

Что такое социальное предпринимательство? Как можно изменить мир к лучшему с помощью технологий? С чего начать? Четвертый ежегодный Саммит Социального Добра (Social Good Summit) обещает все объяснить и показать. Саммит, организованный технологическим новостным порталом Mashable , фондом ООН , Программой Развития ООН (UNDP) , фондом Билла и Мелинды Гейтс и культурным центром 92Y , проходит в Нью-Йорке с 22 по 24 сентября и собирает лидеров социального предпринимательства и активизма, инноваторов, артистов и тех, кто хочет изменить мир к лучшему и, заодно, сфотографировать артистов. Первый день начался с 4-ч часовой ознакомительной программы для блоггеров и активистов, участников мероприятия. Нас накормили, напоили и...Read More
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Giving #2030Now: every contribution counts

Giving isn't only about wealth, it's also about ideas and energy to create change

Giving #2030Now: every contribution counts

Today an incredible array of speakers presented their #2030Now words and vision and encouraged audience members from not only New York but from all over the world to recognize their role in the changing face of philanthropy. That it isn't just wealth that can be distributed to create sustainable change, but innovative ideas and the willingness to create moments where breakthrough's occur. For example, today #2030Now keynote listener Judith Rodin , the President of the Rockefeller Foundation, wondered how we take 20th century problems to find 21st century solutions and hoped that we find new kinds of frameworks to navigate the question. Helen Clark, of the United Nations Development Programme, as part of a panel The Next 15...Read More
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The Question You Were Too Afraid to Ask: What...

The Question You Were Too Afraid to Ask: What...

This week thousands of world leaders, social innovators, and big thinkers will gather in New York City for the Social Good Summit to discuss the power of innovative thinking and technology to solve our greatest challenges.
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Is crowdfunding the answer for financing...

Is crowdfunding the answer for financing...

by  Mak Đukan  and  Robert Pašičko Are crowdfunding and renewable energy a good match? And at the same time, can we get the public to participate in projects that will benefit their communities? As we wrote back in July , we found that  energy cooperatives  offer a big “Yes!” to each of these questions. To get renewable energy off the ground, the industry first needs to  gain acceptance  from local communities. The so called  “Not in My Backyard”  problem has long been a thorn in every project developer’s side. This is understandable, since foreign developers often leave only crumbles for the communities in which projects are built, and the...Read More
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The Power of a Book

The Power of a Book

A standing ovation and thunderous applause welcomed Malala Yousafzai on stage at the Social Good Summit in New York on Sept 23. The energy in the room was palpable and unlike any other panel yet. What followed were 20 minutes of sheer inspiration and a few deeply touching moments.  Malala was accompanied by her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai and friend and CEO of the Malala Fund, Shiza Shahid, and the three were joined on stage by Elizabeth Gore of the United Nations Foundation. This panel was special to me not because of the uniqueness of the topic but because of the uniqueness with which the topic was approached. This time, the simplicity not complexity of words, concepts, and ideas is what made the audience reflect. Here was...Read More
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Primer dia!

Primer dia!

                 Increíblemente impactante.   Hoy fue el primer día del Social Good Summit (SGS)-  Patrocinado por la fundación de las Naciones Unidas, La fundación de Melinda & Bill Gates, Mashable, YPFP & muchos más.  Desde Nueva York, esta conferencia forma parte de la “Semana de la ONU,” y realmente se siente la energía y potencia internacional  alrededor de la ciudad. Qué oportunidad tan valiosa de unir a líderes, gente innovadora con cargos de gran influencia, de diversas áreas profesionales; todos con el denominador en común de querer...Read More
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Re-branding Africa

Re-branding Africa

Africa is the poster child for poverty. It has been for decades and will probably continue to be as the scramble for resources is aggressively pursued. The global financial recession means donor funds are severely limited and the fact that the "trends de jour" are plenty; climate change, violence against women, governance and democracy, etc. - means that projects will have to enhance their branding to catch the attention of the donors. With this in mind, the portrayal of the African Paradox is highly strategized to employ sympathy while luring investors with innovative solutions promised to end this endemic or another. While the number one branding strategy is that of poverty, corruption and wars, there is a competing campaign to...Read More
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After SGS 'Meetup at WoeLab

After SGS 'Meetup at WoeLab

+SOCIALGOOD – ‘AFTER’ MEETUP ! "open cocktail/ best amadan in town/ free wifi / tweet-marathon / poke à gogo.. " 'Nativ organise l'After du SocialGoodSummit-Lomé impulsé par l'ANPE-Togo. Retrouvons-nous au WɔɛLab pour un MeetUp à partir de 19h ce Mardi 24, histoire de continuer les échanges sur le thème ' TIC catalyseur de développement' autour d'un petit verre... Qu’est ce c’est qu’un mashable MeetUp ? > @Plus_SocialGood #SocialGoodSummit #2030NOW #woelab #HubCité ! Tenue de soirée non obligatoire, mais fortement souhaitée.
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Internet Activism Is a 'Gateway Drug' to Doing...

Internet Activism Is a 'Gateway Drug' to Doing...

Clicking the Like button on Facebook or signing an online petition may not actually make the world a better place, but it could be the first step. Regardless of what it takes to get there, taking action is a crucial step. The advocacy group ONE, which works to alleviate global poverty and preventable disease, proved this by converting millions of YouTube views and Spotify listens into hundreds of thousands of actual actions. See also: Protest Song Power: Music That...
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Virtual Meet-up in Honduras: Youth leading...

Virtual Meet-up in Honduras: Youth leading...

In the cities of Tegucigalpa and Choluteca, the youth gathered for its meet-up for this year's Social Good Summit, tackling the issue of preventing violence in their communities through the use of information technology and communication. Here are some of the highlights of the meet-up:   - Emphasized on social networks as a prevention tool - Youth have difficulty accessing computers , internet and mobile products due to unfavorable economic conditions, but are motivated to utilize various applications - Use of Facebook to promote a positive image of their stigmatized communities in Google Maps, identifying violence that affect their communities and generate a log - Young people walked through...Read More
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Tunza Togo, 24-27 September 2013

Tunza Togo, 24-27 September 2013

11, 12 and 13 was held in Lomé FOPADEC ( Agoè) " Tunza TOGO / TOGO Belele " 3rd National Youth Forum on Environment and Sustainable Development . This forum brought together associations and youth groups to discuss issues related to the environment and sustainable development . This initiative is supported by the JVE NGOs and organizations and youth movement in Togo. Ministries of Environment, Youth, agriculture were all present . It was a real moment of exchange , sharing of knowledge and know -how, etc.. The Promoter of the International Youth Forum on Sustainable Development and partners were present in a partner and ...Read More
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Social Good Summit on Pinterest

Turning #idealism2action? Share your #socialgood stories, ideas, & insights on @Pinterest #2030Now

Social Good Summit on Pinterest

If you consider Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter a digital equivalent of your daily newspaper, why not consider Pinterest your encyclopedia collection? The Social Good Summit 2013 board on Pinterest serves as a repository for content worthy of reference months and years from now. Define such content however you wish -- just make sure what you pin carries visually-redeeming qualities. If you like to contribute content to the board, please e-mail with your Pinterest username and you shall be added as a contributor promptly. Need more examples of content to pin? Peruse the Social Good Summit 2012 board for inspiration.
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Let Girls Lead

On September 23, Let Girls Lead will launch the Global Girls' Conversation at the ​Social Good Summit in New York. This new, interactive platform will give girls a space to share their own stories through short videos, highlighting how these girls are transforming their lives and worlds.

Let Girls Lead

What happens when we let girls lead? Dr. Denise Raquel Dunning the Executive Director of the Adolescent Girls Advocacy & Leadership Initiative (AGALI) and the founder of Let Girls Lead . Let Girls Lead empowers girls around the world to lead social change through advocacy, education, economic empowerment, storytelling, and strategic partnerships. And as Dr. Dunning answered in an interview with Forbes today , letting girls lead will make our world a very different - and more just - place for all to thrive. On September 23, Let Girls Lead will launch the Global Girls' Conversation at the Social Good Summit in New York. This new, interactive platform will give girls a space to share their own stories through short...Read More
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3 Great Tips on How Youth Can Use Digital...

3 Great Tips on How Youth Can Use Digital...

It was the event that happened on that cold December night in Delhi last year that changed the way I looked at India. Until the day I walked in to work and read the news about a young girl being raped and thrown out of a private bus in the capital, I had always felt that politics and social issues in the country were beyond my control. I live in Bangalore and like the thousands of urban middle-class Indians who migrate here every year, I have never truly felt the need to understand the complexity of the Indian political system or for that matter, to identify my role in it. I felt that nothing I did could change things. But I soon learned I was wrong - there are so many opportunities often staring people in the face that they simply...Read More
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Making Room in Our Attention Spans for Social Good

Making Room in Our Attention Spans for Social Good

There are lots of ways to take action on social media to "do good" — but most of us don't have the attention span to do so Matt Wallaert , a behavioral scientist at Bing and founder of , said in a speech at Mashable 's Social Good Summit in New York on Sunday that our attention levels are due for an adjustment. "Humankind, generally, is going up and to the right. Infant mortality is down, we're living much longer," he said to the audience. "But...
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RYOT NEWS: 让新闻不再成为“内流河”

RYOT NEWS: 让新闻不再成为“内流河”

      很多人说到RYOT NEWS,都马上会想到《吸血鬼日记》的主演Ian Somerhalder,正如今天Pete Cashmore介绍RYTO团队时,观众席上不出意外的尖叫声。但RYOT这个新媒体网站其实就具有很强的话题性,它希望将被动接受新闻的模式改造成主动参与,让每个人都能参与到新闻事件本身,并且做出改变。       新闻界有一种“内流河”现象,即不是每一条新闻都会有结局,由于公众注意力的易转移性,有些新闻会在传播途中莫名其妙地戛然而止,但并不表示这个事件也就随之结束了。RYOT的出现,可以说是解决新闻“内流河”的一种途径范本,受众可以对感兴趣的话题进行参与,发一条推特、分享自己的故事、募捐或是发起请愿,让公众也能自己“成为新闻”。
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Is crowdfunding the answer for financing...

Is crowdfunding the answer for financing...

by  Mak Đukan  and  Robert Pašičko Are crowdfunding and renewable energy a good match? And at the same time, can we get the public to participate in projects that will benefit their communities? As we wrote back in July , we found that  energy cooperatives  offer a big “Yes!” to each of these questions. To get renewable energy off the ground, the industry first needs to  gain acceptance  from local communities. The so called  “Not in My Backyard”  problem has long been a thorn in every project developer’s side. This is understandable, since foreign developers often leave only crumbles for the communities in which projects are built, and the...Read More
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Internet Activism Is a 'Gateway Drug' to Doing...

Internet Activism Is a 'Gateway Drug' to Doing...

Clicking the Like button on Facebook or signing an online petition may not actually make the world a better place, but it could be the first step. Regardless of what it takes to get there, taking action is a crucial step. The advocacy group ONE, which works to alleviate global poverty and preventable disease, proved this by converting millions of YouTube views and Spotify listens into hundreds of thousands of actual actions. See also: Protest Song Power: Music That...
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Virtual Meet-up in Honduras: Youth leading...

Virtual Meet-up in Honduras: Youth leading...

In the cities of Tegucigalpa and Choluteca, the youth gathered for its meet-up for this year's Social Good Summit, tackling the issue of preventing violence in their communities through the use of information technology and communication. Here are some of the highlights of the meet-up:   - Emphasized on social networks as a prevention tool - Youth have difficulty accessing computers , internet and mobile products due to unfavorable economic conditions, but are motivated to utilize various applications - Use of Facebook to promote a positive image of their stigmatized communities in Google Maps, identifying violence that affect their communities and generate a log - Young people walked through...Read More
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Destacado del Primer Día del Social Good Summit...

Destacado del Primer Día del Social Good Summit...

Hoy marcó el lanzamiento oficial del Social Good Summit (SGS) en Nueva York aunque el evento empezó de manera descentralizada el viernes 20 de septiembre (en Manilla por ejemplo mil personas se reunieron para discutir sobre los impactos de desastres naturales en la ciudad y la necesidad de implementar nuevas estrategias de resistencia). El primer día del SGS estuvo compuesto por más de 20 sesiones que incluyeron una gran variedad de excelentes panelistas de los sectores públicos, privados y sin fines de lucros. A continuación, les ofrezco un resumen de algunas de las personas e ideas que me parecieron interesantes e innovadoras:  1) (noticias +...Read More
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+SocialGood at the Social Good Summit

+SocialGood at the Social Good Summit

Melinda French Gates talks with +SocialGood Advisors
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Social Good Summit 2013: Day 2 Recap

Social Good Summit 2013: Day 2 Recap

יום שני של ה-Social Good Summit 2013 השיחה המשיך על איך טכנולוגיה יכולה לעזור לאנשים ולפתור את הבעיות בעולם. מלינדה גייטס דיבר על מדיה החברתית ואיך זה שינה את השיחה. עוד מעט יהיו יותר פלאפונים מאשר אנשים. גייטס טוענת שאנחנו יכולים לנצל את הטכנולוגיה הקיימת שלנו כדי להעצים לגשת לאלה שאין להם. אז, איך אנחנו עושים את זה?
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#2030Now Voices Across the Globe

It's your world, what are you waiting for? Get connected globally, act locally #2030Now

#2030Now Voices Across the Globe

Looks like there are some incredible #2030Now conversation that well taking place globally. From Abuja to Zimbabwe, there is something happening somewhere! For instance, On September 24, UNDP Sudan will bring together participants from youth groups, universities, government, private sector/ICT companies, journalists, and civil society organizations in a two hour discussion on the role of social media in Sudan and how it can be used as a tool for sustainable development. Discussion will focus on the following : - What areas have benefited most from innovation and technology in Sudan? - How has social media been used for the good of the people of Sudan? - How important is it for youth to have a voice in our community? ...Read More
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La perspective du milieu

La perspective du milieu

Perspective on Day 2 from +SocialGood community member Alicia Bonner Ness
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Making it personal: a meeting with David Miliband

Making it personal: a meeting with David Miliband

I sat nervously in the middle of the 20th row at the 92Y, listening to a hero speak in his new role: David Miliband, former British politician and the brand new President and CEO of IRC. The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. At work in over 40 countries and 22 U.S. cities to restore safety, dignity and hope, the IRC leads the way from harm to home. David spoke eloquently about the crisis in Syria, but also kept things appropriately dark, as this humanitarian crisis must be solved, and solved soon. However, my goal to talk with David was totally selfish. I jumped up as soon as the panel completed and made my way...Read More
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How Twitter is the answer to ending world poverty

How Twitter is the answer to ending world poverty

The future of international development is online. Social media is more than its reputation. Constantly refreshing your Twitter feed is no longer a timewaster if you’re able to use it productively and for positive change. More than 550 million people actively use the service and an estimated four million tweets are produced each day. If more people increasingly used their privileged voice to document, share and produce alternatives to fighting poverty, there’s a greater chance of reaching development goals by 2015 and saving the lives of the 1.2 billion people most in need. As members of the developed world, we have an obligation to provide aid and do whatever we can to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity at life....Read More
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Design Things that Matter +SocialGood

Design Things that Matter +SocialGood

You are the solution. Design things that matter. The world is in need of creative thinkers ready to engineer solutions for humanity. The Conrad Foundation believes YOU have the potential to create the next world-changing, commercially-viable product or service in the areas of: Aerospace and Aviation, Cybertechnology and Security, Energy and Environment, and Health and Nutrition. The Spirit of Innovation Challenge is the best way to Get Your Genius On ® and create something to benefit humanity. There is still time to form a team and complete the first-phase project before the Oct. 24 submission deadline. Your business plan may be worth $10,000 and a trip to the 2014 Innovation Summit at NASA Johnson Space Center. Not...Read More
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From the Social Good Summit to the UN General...

From the Social Good Summit to the UN General...

How can social media help us ensure decent work and social protection for all?
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Around the World in Four Days

Around the World in Four Days

From September 21st to September 24th, following the #2030NOW conversation meant a digital journey around the world. People discussed issues of social good and technology from New York City to Nigeria to the Philippines. Let's take a quick tour of the global conversation.
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120+ Global Meetups

120+ Global Meetups

With the tremendous support of our partners and friends at UNDP, more than 120 meetups took place globally over the past week. Click the image below to see a full-size version of this social good summit coverage illustration!
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+SocialGood at the Social Good Summit

+SocialGood at the Social Good Summit

Melinda French Gates talks with +SocialGood Advisors
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What do you get when you mash technology entrepreneurship focused on rapid scalability together with social entrepreneurship focused on long-term positive societal impact?
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The Feast Worldwide

The Feast Worldwide

If you had the right ideas and the right people with you, how would you want to change the world? The 21st century poses many challenges, many of which we spend time complaining about. Let's change that. You're cordially invited to the largest dinner party in the world for good. On October 18th, thousands of people around the globe will partake in The Feast Worldwide, a day of action focused on food, friends, and finding solutions. Picking up what we're putting down? Here are the details: What: The Feast Worldwide will rally people from every timezone to host dinner parties for good. We're here to help - we'll provide topical challenges for you and your guests to chew on, as well as suggested recipes and activities. ...Read More
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International Day of the Girl where the girls matters are going to be discussed for reliables resolutions. Outcome expected: the implementation of DR Congo Girl Up Club of the United Nations Foundation in collaboration with its beneficiary of its world gift support, Timothy Mission International via our governmental umbrella, National Council of the Youth as the carrying out of those resolutions recommended for the girls, DR Congo in particular, and whole world in general. We are in collaboration with UNDP DR Congo, unfortunately until no any fund support confirmation from any stakeholder from around the world, DR Congo in particular. Is why we recall for emergency support just in collaboration with UNDP DR Congo on our event's...Read More
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Design Things that Matter +SocialGood

Design Things that Matter +SocialGood

You are the solution. Design things that matter. The world is in need of creative thinkers ready to engineer solutions for humanity. The Conrad Foundation believes YOU have the potential to create the next world-changing, commercially-viable product or service in the areas of: Aerospace and Aviation, Cybertechnology and Security, Energy and Environment, and Health and Nutrition. The Spirit of Innovation Challenge is the best way to Get Your Genius On ® and create something to benefit humanity. There is still time to form a team and complete the first-phase project before the Oct. 24 submission deadline. Your business plan may be worth $10,000 and a trip to the 2014 Innovation Summit at NASA Johnson Space Center. Not...Read More
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The role of African athletes in the development...

The role of African athletes in the development...

Article By Aderonke ogunleye Many talented African athletes An African athlete can be categorised as an athlete, either living abroad or in his/her home country, who has represented his/her country of origin at both local and international levels. A typical African athlete can do a lot for their country either by giving a good representation of themselves abroad and promoting a good image of their country, or by giving back by way of charity work (or other public service) to help in the development of their homeland. Africa is blessed with a wealth of sporting talent, including amongst the disabled. The continent takes part in over 50 sports internationally; the most popular of these within the continent are...Read More
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